In the small town of New Jigsaw, where I come from, everyone is made for each other. Every single night that follows our creation, we are told to dream about other puzzle pieces that would fit just right - with utmost ease and comfort - to create a tiny little, wholesome family.
My mother once told me that while we were being made, our body was specially crafted in ways that would fill the void of our perfect family pieces and how their bodies too would allow me to feel complete.
On the day of my birth, it is said that I left the whole town in a state of shock. Never once before had they seen a puzzle piece that was a perfect square! The Wise Old State - a completed jigsaw-unit of 100 pieces, was summoned.
“How could this be? I am confused!”
“It is truly baffling, what is a piece without its family?”
And while each one of them were making theories about my creation and the doomed life of wholeness that I am now destined for, my grandmother came up to me and said,
“The completeness in your piece is what we dream of everyday. You are enough, you are whole.”